Monday, June 20, 2005

The Beast Assembles.

I surf websites with weird ideas sometimes. I think there is some genius in madness, and perhaps I'm surfing for inspiration, or a hidden bauble of truth, or just an odd worldview to play with. It's fun even when it's scary.

Say, for example, this document which made me think of money, at a very high level, as being an energy system. He's totally right: put money somewhere and stuff begins happening. It is energy to extract materials to trade for energy. Cool stuff!! So THAT'S what it looks like to guys like Bush, and Greenspan, and bankers like that. I can totally envision it. Lump financial energy and hydrocarbon energy and electrical energy together, and it's really all about management of energy systems.

(A note about that linked document. It's entertaining reading but I wouldn't consider it proof of some official diktat from some secret controlling entity. Pretty long document to have been found in a copier.)

In my continuing search of order on different scales I have often wondered about the super-human entity that will emerge. Not as in a better human than any other human. No, a mass collective of humans that functions, for all intents and purposes, as a single organism.

The above view of finance as energy gives me a vision of finance coupled with the transportation industry to form an analogue to the animal circulatory system. Industries are organs (the military is the fists and biceps, ha.) The mass media and personal communication networks create a nervous system. The brain, it would appear, will be the Gubmint. All Hail the Grand Neuron!

It can easily be argued that the federal system of the United States -- that is, the interlinked governmental, economic, commercial and legal entities which conspire to legitimize themselves and each other -- has already become that beast. I don't think so, because all around us are people who are NOT a full-time part of the beast (hobos come to mind.) I think when a subset of this population hops on a spaceship designed to hold half a billion people, THAT'S the organism... to an alien lifeform, us humans would simply be the funny little microbes inside the exoskeleton. Until then, it's test runs, here on earth.

Hah! If that beast really wants to evolve, it definitely needs to put more energy into sustainable systems.

ps. I wonder how many tries it took for the protozoan bundles of cells to form a skin.


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