Saturday, November 06, 2004

the scale of things.

It's really wild how we can perceive things far larger than us and far smaller than us. I mean, I'm one of billions of humans, inhabiting a rock rotating around one of billions of suns. On the other hand, we're made up of trillions of cells, each made of millions of atoms.

What grand scope!!

It tells you of the magnitude of your acts, how the simple act of following these words across the page with your eyes requires the coordinated movement of uncountable quarks. It should bring to mind what a miraculous creature you are. And it also reminds you of your importance, or lack thereof: as the stars move, so they will move on long after we're all gone.

If you had the option to leave an imprint on humanity, would you? Would you prefer to be an observer to history or a player? Are you the type of person who would be remembered like Nelson Mandela, or like Vladimir Putin?

These are the days where we must choose what we are. I am a force for peace, for understanding, and for enlightenment. Mine is an aquarian mind: I believe in the nobility of humans, of the importance of change and progress and improvement throughout the life of humans and their organizations, and of the power of one person to stand astride History and change its path.


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